Saturday, March 5, 2011

All In The Same Boat

I used to think I'm the unluckiest person on earth; being a 24-to-be but still don't get to prove anything in life. I know I am hell ignorant. I care less for others who struggle more than I do but they don't seem to make a big fuss out of everything. They don't rant around raising people's attention like me.

WAIT. I don't rant around, too. Well, sometimes, I have a penchant to talk about it with the loved ones. Is it a wrong thing to do?

Nonetheless, while browsing around the net, I came across a doozy quote that makes me feels much better in finding my feet. He who had said this must be a very great person himself. Well, at least, his quote sets me at ease.

"Would you like me to give
you a formula for success?
It's quite simple, really.
Double your rate of failure. You are thinking
of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all.
You can be discouraged by failure or
you can learn from it.
So go ahead and make mistakes.
Make all you can.
Because remember that's where
you will find success."
- Thomas J. Watson

I guess anything we do will grant us another level of maturity through stages  called 'the learning processes'. There's nothing right or wrong in making decisions for every wrong step comes the right lesson.

I'm learning to struggle, beautifully and gracefully.

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